2023年4月22日と元禄二年三月三日 April 22, 2023 and March 3, Genroku 2

春立てる霞の空に、白川の関こえむと、そゞろがみの、物につきてこゝろをくるはせ、道祖神のまねきにあひて、取るもの手につかず、もゝ引の破れをつづり、笠の緒付かへて、三里に灸すゆるより、松島の月先心にかゝりて、住る方は人に譲りて、杉風が、別墅に移るに、 草の戸も住替る代ぞひなの家」(「おくのほそ道」)


”When spring came and there was mist in the air, I thought crossing the Barrier of Shirakawa into Oku. I seemed to be possessed by the spirits of wanderlust, and they all but deprived me of my senses. The guardian spirits of the road beckoned, and I could not settle down to work.  I patched my torn trousers and changed the cord on my bamboo hat. To strengthen my leg for the journey I had moxa burned on my shins. By then I could think of nothing but the moon ai Matsushima. When I sold my cottage and moved Sanpu's villa, to stay until I started on my journey. "("THE NARROW ROAD TO OKU" by D.Keene)

 In a world where all is passing,  And even grassy hermitage gives way,  Oh hina dolls, reminders of life's fleeting stay!

This haiku was composed on March 3, Genroku 2(April 22, 1689) by a new resident of the hermitage, describing the Hina dolls displayed for the Peach Festival. Today, April 22, corresponds to the same day 334 years ago in both the old and new calendars. Actually, this year in 2023 is a somewhat unusual year where the dates of both the Gregorian and the old Japanese calendars for the year of Matsuo Basho's travels, 1689, almost perfectly align.  To put it another way, this year in 2023, the seasons and phases of the moon will be almost identical to those of Genroku 2. For example, during the Peach Festival 334 years ago, the peach blossoms had already finished blooming and the cherry blossoms were almost finished as well. Also, tonight in the western sky of 2023, the same crescent moon as 334 years ago will be visible. (photo :Hina dolls of the Genroku era)


 世事千変草堂移,  織物玉雛飾春晴。  生命如風,旅人過客情。

這首俳句是在元祿二年三月三日(1689年4月22日),隠居處的新住民詠唱著裝飾著雛人形的桃花節。今天的4月22日是舊曆的三月三日,因此它也是新舊曆相同的334年前的今天。 實際上,今年2023年,正好是芭蕉旅行的元禄二年(1689年)和新曆、舊曆日期幾乎一致的一年。換言之,今年的季節和月相變化與元禄二年幾乎相同。 例如,三百三十四年前的「桃花節」時,桃花和櫻花應該都已經盡了;而今天2023年的這個時候,西方的天空上會出現和三百三十四年前一樣的新月。(照片:元禄時期的雛人偶)



2023年5月16日(旧暦三月二十七日) 芭蕉、旅立つ。元禄二年三月二十七日(1689年5月16日)

2023年10月27日(旧暦九月十三日) 谷木因 元禄二年九月十五日(1689年10月27日)

2023年9月27日(旧暦八月十三日) 難所木ノ芽峠を越える 元禄二年八月十四日(1689年9月27日)