昨年貞享五年正月 Last year Jokyo 5th New Year 去年貞享五歳新年
2023年1月31日は旧暦の一月十日になります。貞享五年*(1688年)一月十日、江戸にいる弟子の嵐雪に伊賀上野の芭蕉から手紙が届きます。歳暮吟 ふる里や臍の緒に泣く年の暮れ 歳旦吟 二日にもぬかりはせじな花の春 が記されており、嵐雪は「正月十日伊賀よりきこえ侍る」と前書し自らの編になる選集「若水」に掲載、同年春上梓しました。
芭蕉は、前年十月二十五日に江戸を発ち、十二月下旬伊賀に帰り貞享五年正月を上野城下の生家とされる兄半左衛門宅で迎えました。 久しぶりの事でもあり「空の名残惜しまんと旧友の来たりて酒興し」「酒飲ミ夜ふかしして」「元日はひるまで寝て」「明けぼの見はずし」「雑煮食ひはずし」た結果、大いに反省した歳旦句を詠み、嵐雪に書き送ったのでした。
January 31, 2023 (January
10 of the lunar calendar). On January 10th, 5th year of Jokyo(AD1688), a letter
from Basho arrived at his disciple Ransetsu in Edo. A Year-end
haiku: My birth place, I see my umbilical cord and cry at the end of the
year. A New-year haiku: On January 2nd, I hope I don't fail again. Spring
of Flowers. In these haiku, Ransetsu prefaced them, saying, “It arrived from Iga on the 10th of the New Year.” And
he recorded these two haiku in his anthology "Wakamizu" and published
Basho left Edo on
October 25th of the previous year, returned to Iga in late December, and spent
New Year's Eve in the house where he was born. A large number of old friends gathered and enjoyed drinking,
and Basho slept until noon on New Year's Day without even seeing the first
sunrise of the year. Basho wrote a New Year's haiku, which he deeply regretted,
and sent it to Ransetsu.
I don't think
Basho, who was not wealthy, sent the letter to a courier, so he probably
entrusted it to someone going to Edo. However, I am surprised that it only took
a week for the letter to reach Edo from Iga.
2023年1月31日是農曆正月初十。貞享五年(AD1688) 一月 十日,芭蕉的一封信到達了他在江戶的弟子嵐雪。歲末俳句、我出生的家鄉 對著我的臍帶哭泣 年底。新年俳句、大年初二 希望你不要再失敗 花春天。嵐雪在這首俳句前加上“大年初十從伊賀來”的字樣,收錄於選集《若水》中出版。