元禄二年(1689)一月十七日 Genroku 2nd 1.17(AD1689.2.6)  元禄二年(1689)一月十七日(農暦)





半左衛門邸:芭蕉生家       (上写真共。左平面図は伊賀市HPより引用の上一部加筆

Today February 7th is January 17th in the lunar calendar.

On January 17, Genroku 2, Basho wrote a letter to his brother Hanzaemon in Iga. In the letter, he said, "When I travel to northern countries, I want to stop by even from around Sekijuku on the Tokaido."

By this sentence, before January 17, the course of The narrow to Oku'', which traveled from Edo to Ohshu, to the northern countries, and from Ohgaki to Kuwana, was decided, and his brother in Iga also knew about it. That's what I understand. I think you can guess so.  Just as he sent a New Year's haiku to Ransetsu in Edo last year, he must have sent New Year's haiku from Edo to his disciples in Iga this year. Basho reported on journey to Sarashina, and I believe he quickly announced plans for the next big long trip.

Basho wrote on “Oku no Hosomichi”,

Grandually the year drew to its close. When spring came and there was mist in the air. I thought of crossing the Barrier of Shirakawa into Oku. I seemed to be possessed by the spirits of wanderlust, and they all but deprived me of my senses. The guardian spirits of the road beckoned, and I could not settle down to work.” (by Donald Keene)

According to the calendar at the time, January 15th was the first day of spring, so on the 17th, Basho's heart was a little restless, and he might have been in a hurry.



元祿二年 一月十七日,芭蕉給伊賀的弟弟半左衛門寫了一封信。信中寫道:“在北國旅行時,即使是從東海道的關宿附近也想順路一遊。”

根據這段話,,在 一月十七日之前,確定了從江戶到奧州,經北方諸省,從大垣到桑名的“奧州小路”的路線,我在伊賀的大哥也明白了. 我明白這一點。就像他去年給江戶的嵐雪送新年俳句一樣,今年他一定也給伊賀的弟子們送了江戶的新年俳句。在裡面,我想我報告了我去更科的旅行,並展示了我下一次大旅行的計劃。


歲聿其暮,立春旋至,仰望 天際,雲興霞蔚,則思穿越白河關口。驛馬星動而憑依於身,心亂若狂;道祖神來而頻 招其手,無計奈何”(鄭茂清訳)




2023年10月27日(旧暦九月十三日) 谷木因 元禄二年九月十五日(1689年10月27日)

2023年5月16日(旧暦三月二十七日) 芭蕉、旅立つ。元禄二年三月二十七日(1689年5月16日)

2023年7月3日(旧暦五月十六日) 木の下闇茂りあひて 元禄二年五月十七日(1689年7月3日)